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为了让大家第一时间看到优质考研内容千万!千万!千万!记得【星标】或【置顶】考研外刊阅读每晚21:00,外刊君陪你考研中国高翻团队倾力之作词数:421 words难度:★★★☆☆小贴士:本期推送2023年《经济学人》合集资源每期《经济学人》包含五种格式:➯mp3➯pdf➯mobi➯epub➯azw3获取资源:2023合集:「2023年度经济学人.rar」来自UC网盘分享(尽快保存,避免失效)——大橙子留✦ +上期划线句答案Urban agriculture—whether it describes towering, high-tech vertical gardens or a small patch of dirt with a few basil plants—has becomeincreasingly popular around the world as food movements such as eating local produce and growing organic crops have gained momentum.随着食用当地农产品和种植有机农作物等食品运动的势头增长,城市农业——无论是指高耸的高科技垂直花园,还是种植着少许罗勒植物的一小块土坪——在世界各地都变得越来越受欢迎。✦ +本期内容双语阅读Para.1As the year turns, the next general electionloomsever larger. One thing can, however, be said about the election already. Whenever it finally comes and whatever the result, the turnover of MPs in theHouse of Commonslooks likely to be unusually large. At least 83 MPs have announced that they will be retiring. More are certain to follow. Others will lose their seats. If the swing between the parties is dramatic, the turnover may approach the level reached in 1997, when 249 retired or defeated MPs did not return toWestminster, and a similar number of new MPs arrived.新年伊始,下一次大选呼之欲出。关于选举,有一件事可以肯定:无论大选何时进行,无论结果如何,下议院的议员更迭似乎都将异常频繁。至少有83位议员已宣布即将退休,更多人肯定会紧随其后。还有一些议员将失去他们的席位。翻译划线句,在文末留言打卡,答案下期公布~点击此处查看翻译1.loom/luːm/v. (尤指阴森森地)隐约出现,赫然耸现; 逼近,临近n. 织布机; (尤指海上物体在黑暗或浓雾中的)隐隐显现; (云或霾等将不能直接见到的光折射出来的)暗影,上现蜃景2. House of Commons下议院3.Westminister/wɛstˈmɪnɪstə/n. 威斯敏斯特(伦敦市的一个行政区);议会点击此处查看词汇词组Para.2The origins of the standards problem go back a long time. The impact of the MPs’ expenses scandal, for instance, is still being felt 14 years on. The question in 2024 will be whether the next generation of leaders and MPs will actually look, sound and behave differently, and whether trust in politics can be rebuilt moreenduringlyif they do. We mustferventlyhope so. But it will not happen merely by electing a Labour government and a new generation of professional politicians.议员的标准问题的根源可以追溯到很久以前。例如,议员报销丑闻的影响在14年后仍然存在。2024年的问题是,下一代领导人和议员是否真正会从外表、言辞和行为上都与前任有所不同,以及如果他们确实有所不同,是否能够更持久地重建大众对政治的信任。我们必须怀着强烈的希望。但仅仅通过选举工党政府和一批新一代的职业政治家是不够的。点击此处查看翻译1.enduringly/ɪnˈdjʊərɪŋli/adv. 耐久地;永久地2. fervently/ˈfɜːvəntli/adv. 热心地;热诚地点击此处查看词汇词组Para.3What can be done to improve our politics, our standards in public life, our democracy and our trust in government? There is no single answer. Some things that need to change are structural. Reforming the electoral system is definitely one of them. But countries with fairer electoral systems than Britain’sfirst past the posthave political scandals too. Parliaments with fewer antique conventions than Westminster are not automatically temples of rationality either. These are not reasons for keeping the current systems, but they are reasons for not having exaggerated expectations.如何改进我们的政治、公共生活中的标准、我们的民主和对政府的信任?这个问题没有单一的答案。需要一些结构性改变。改革选举制度绝对是其中之一。但有着比英国的多数制更公平的选举制度的国家,也存在政治丑闻。比英国议会的古旧惯例更少的国家也不会自发成为理性的殿堂。虽然这些不是保留当前体制的原因,但是是不能对其抱有过分期望的理由。点击此处查看翻译1.first past the post领先者当选:指在单一选区中,选民只需投票一次,所有候选人中最多票者当选,不论票数多寡。点击此处查看词汇词组Para.4Changing the culture and behaviour of politics matters at least as much. Too often we have the wrong sort of MPs with the wrong values. Each scandal damages the whole. The wide-ranging nature of the political trust problem is widely sensed. Many books have been written on the subject. The 2023 Reith lectures by Prof Ben Ansell havetouched onthe problem. Academic and thinktank surveysabound, including key work by University College London’s Constitution Unit.改变政治文化和行为也同样重要。我们经常有错误的议员和错误的价值观。每一次丑闻都会对整个体制造成伤害。政治信任问题的广泛性被已经广为人知。目前已经出版了很多关于这个话题的书籍。2023年本·安塞尔教授在瑞斯的演讲也提到了这个问题。学术和智库调查也很丰富,包括伦敦大学学院宪法部门的重要工作。点击此处查看翻译1. touch on谈及;提及2. abound/əˈbaʊnd/v. 大量存在,有许多; 富于,盛产(abound with/in sth.)点击此处查看词汇词组Para.5But the trust problem has been inadequatelyaddressedby politics itself. Politicians themselves are often keenly aware of this. At the end of 2023, Britain was a country in which only 9% of the people said that they “generally” trusted political leaders. This is the lowest figure since records began 40 years ago. A “lack of faith” in politics and politicians is now seen by voters as one of the top five problems facing the country.但是政治本身对信任问题的处理是不足够的。政治家们自己经常非常清楚这一点。截至2023年底,英国仅有9%的人表示他们“一般来说”信任政治领导人。这是40年来最低的记录。现在,“对政治和政治家缺乏信任”已被选民视为该国面临的前五大问题之一。点击此处查看翻译1.address/əˈdres/v. 演说,演讲; 处理,设法解决; 在(信封、包裹等)上写姓名和地址,致函; 向……讲话; 称呼; (向某人)提出(陈述、投诉等)n. 地址,住址; 网址; 电子邮箱地址; 演讲,演说; (电子表格中某个单元格的)位置点击此处查看词汇词组本文节选自:The Guardian (卫报)发布时间:2024.01.01作者:Editorial原文标题:The Guardian view on the crisis in politics: better politicians need better standards写作句总结原句:The impact of the MPs’ expenses scandal, for instance, is still being felt 14 years on.结构:The impact of Y, for instance, is still being felt Z years on.例句:The impact of corporate fraud cases, for instance, are still being felt years later.阅读理解题What is the most likely reason for a large turnover of MPs in the House of Commons?A. Many MPs have announced their retirement or will lose their seats.B. The swing between parties will be dramatic.C. The impact of the MPs’ expenses scandal is still being felt.D. The next generation of leaders and MPs will look, sound and behave differently.A点击此处查看答案打卡作业最后给各位小伙伴安利考研英语陪跑班,这个真的非常赞鸭!我们知道考研英语真的让人很头疼,一个人单打独斗的时候,经常会陷入一个问题,想一下午都想不明白的痛苦境地有了陪跑班就不一样啦,全程都会有老师在群里答疑!有问题就找班班,靠谱的嘞!不仅每天都能够在班级群里面监督学习打卡,还有日常的辅导,更加赞的是每个阶段都会有一个模拟测评,检验学习成果!总课时达242小时,只要99元,相当于十杯瑞幸咖啡的价格,真的没有比这个更良心的考研课程啦!先试听再购买1、吴扶剑 25考研 阅读理解 第一讲、任燕翔 25考研政治基础 马原第一讲、李睿 25考研数学 高数第一讲扫码后,输入优惠券码:bzwt,仅需99元!• END •排版/外刊君图片/来源网络中国高翻小组